What We Do

While we always drive our subsidiaries to play the game better, we often aim to change the game.

Mortgage Banking

Our Subsidiaries Include:

LIVINGTRUST Mortgage Bank Plc (Nigeria) | CITITRUST Savings & Loans (Liberia) Limited | CITITRUST Microcredit Limited (Ghana)

Microfinance Banking

Our Subsidiaries Include:

ATLASS Portfolio Limited (Nigeria) | CORE TRUST & Investment Limited (Nigeria)

Consumer Banking

Our Subsidiaries Include:

CITITRUST Asset Management Limited (Nigeria)

Alternative Investment

Our Alternative Investment Arm invests in a portfolio of companies within the financial services and real estate sectors and is aimed at expanding into other critical sectors of the economy.

Our Subsidiaries Include:

CITITRUST Capital (UK) Limited

Investor Relations

Learn more about our assets and values.

CITITRUST Holdings Plc.

We are a high performing investment holding company driven to creating value for funders, shareholders and business partners.